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Friday 13 June 2008

Marlene Day

Yesterday was Marlene Day.

What is that? You may ask...

I met Marlene years ago when I joined the Professional Photographers of Canada - Manitoba and we were both in the board of directors.

We became friends and once in a while we have these informal "training" sessions where she teaches me things and I try to keep up with her. Usually we do these at my house and I cook for her (I love cooking!), but yesterday she cooked for me! Treat!!!

Here's some images.

Here's the yummy yummy Orzo with chicken!!!

Here's proof that Marlene is a great cook!

Here's me relaxing by the fire after a hard day of training!!!

Whew! Thank you Marlene! Your work is amazing, your ideas inspiring and your personality such a JOY to be around!

Not to mention the food!!!!

Recipe please!

1 comment:

Marlene Fast said...

wow - Patty - it was my treat to be cooking for you - and I must say that I learned as much from you as you claim you did from me. I've never photographed my meals before - it truly looks as yummy as it tasted! :-)