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Thursday 24 July 2008

Why do they call it Trash The Dress anyway?

John Michael Cooper, an amazing photographer in Vegas, started a cult. It's a "ceremony" of sorts where the Bride, after her wedding, says goodbye to her wedding dress. By doing that she's supposedly saying to her husband: "I'm with you forever and I'm never going to need this dress again"...

He calls this ceremony "Trash The Dress".

I've been telling my brides about this for a while now, but no one has had the courage yet to take me up on something like this...

So when my friend Trevor Brucki called us (Myself, Steve Hiebert of Personal Expressions Photography and Jeremy Dueck) and asked if we wanted to go out to the beach and do this with him, we agreed in a split second.

The bride is Kristy and her husband is Blair. Kristy is amazing and was such a super model! Blair is completely in love and kept calling himself "The Background"...

Guys you were amazing and I loved loved loved working with you two!

Thanks Trevor, call me anytime!

Here's miss Hot Stuff!

Here's Steve, getting ready for the shot.


All four of us, thanks to Lisa (Kristy's mom) for taking this shot!

Good to see I'm not the only one who's always lying on the ground to take pictures!

I love this one I took of Kristy leaning on the Valiant!

Trevor and Jer coming in close... And me in the shadows...

Trevor and Jer.

Kristy on the log:

Right after this shot Trevor straightened up and as he did I think he stepped on some slippery rocks and just about wiped out... As the three of us looked from our spots, holding our breath, he recovered and never fell... Afterwards I thought "why didn't we have our cameras ready to take the shot if Trev took the plunge?"

Because there was no way we wanted to record such a tragic event as that camera and that lens hit the water...

He was ok after all and he had plenty of backup gear!

Now, a film camera in the water... classy!

I just love this shot of Kristy and Blair...

Legs over the railing.

Romantic end of the day.

Check out these guys' blogs, some of them have something up and some will soon!!!

Trevor (
Steve (
Jeremy (

A big Thank You to Lisa and Stan for cooking up some seriously amazing Pickerel dinner for us after the shoot...

You guys are all amazing!

1 comment:

Smiley Eyes Photography said...

I love trash the dress ! I have one shoot under my belt and hope to get more !! Like you say, it is hard to sell that one sometimes !